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Award-Winning Digital Organic Growth Platform for Hybrid RIAs & Financial Advisors

Connecting Financial Advisors & Retirees via Online Education

At Clients Blackbox, Inc. – we’re dedicated to one mission: educating America on better retirement strategies. We help Americans learn about safer retirement planning strategies while connecting them with fiduciary retirement planning specialists.

in less than 14 months !


What Others Are Saying About This

"Alex has created what I think is the finest, most well thought-out, most well conceived program. I fully endorse it."
David Macchia
Communications Consultant to The Largest Insurance Companies In the USA (Responsible for $140B+ In Premium)
"I've worked with Alex for 3 years. In our first campaign, for every $1 I spent on ads I made back $11. Alex does what he says."
Jen Trowbridge
Retirement Planning Specialist for Women
"I met Alex through one of his ads and since then I've quadrupled (4X) my production. This was easily the best decision I've made in my business."
Jonathan L.
Retirement Income Planning Specialist
"In two years, I've grown my business tenfold. I went from $10 million in new assets per year to over $18 million per month with a team of advisors. Each advisor brings in an average of $3 million monthly. Every dollar I invest in ads with Alex returns at least $10."
Aaron C.
Founder & CEO of fast-growing hybrid RIA

“It’s been great to see the quality remain consistent.. I’ve onboarded $1M already ($500k FIA + $500k AUM) and have $16M in pipeline…”

Matt E. - Private Wealth Advisor

“At First, I Was Skeptical… But Now… I Expect To At Least Double or Triple My Business In The Next 6-12 Months! $4M New Assets in 2 Months… ”

Zack S. - CEO & Financial Advisor

"I've Closed $1.7m FIA + $1.5M AUM in Under 3 months. The Lead Quality is Incredible! It's given me over 7 times return on my investment, and I still have over $8M in Pipeline..."

Tyler B. - Retirement Specialist

Why Our Methodology Outperforms Other Marketing Strategies for Financial Advisors

Blackbox vs. Webinars

Blackbox vs. (Radio, TV & Seminars)

In short, we are the most optimized marketing system for Speed To Prospect. We get appointments not leads so it eliminates lead chasing. We qualify appointments before they get booked so it increases the average case size.  We are providing a higher return on investment which provides more than enough self-generating expansion revenue. All of this can allow hybrid RIAs to grow faster with us than anything else.

Why We Exist

The Problem

Many pre-retirees and retirees lack a retirement income plan they can trust. This uncertainty manifests in several ways:
    • Fear of running out of money in retirement
    • Anxiety about outliving their savings
    • Concerns over high financial advisory fees
    • Worry about market volatility
    • Stress about retiring at the wrong time

Our Solution

We partner with fiduciary retirement planners to create educational videos that promote their services on Facebook. These videos, branded under each advisor we work with, educate pre-retirees and retirees on safer retirement planning strategies. If viewers find the content valuable, they can connect with a retirement planning specialist to develop a custom retirement income plan at no cost.

Understanding The Challenge

Many Americans work hard, save, and invest for decades to reach retirement with savings ranging from $500,000 to $5 million but are unsure how to transform that nest egg into reliable income.ᅠ

While some may have financial advisors, they often lack confidence in their advisor’s ability to provide a dependable retirement income plan. Common fears include market crashes and the risk of falling prey to unscrupulous insurance salespeople. Although retirees might receive some income from Social Security, most do not have pensions. Even those who do find that “guaranteed” income rarely meets their necessary spending needs to maintain their lifestyle. Traditional financial advisors often recommend “fee-only” or “fee-based” approaches, which involve placing assets into bonds and taking market distributions during good years.ᅠResearch indicates this may not be the best way to maximize retirement income.

A New Approach

There are alternative strategies, backed by research, that can generate more retirement income from the same savings while protecting against market downturns and sequence of returns risk. These approaches can help prevent retirees from running out of money, offering a more secure and prosperous retirement.

How We Are Compensated

We do not get paid from consumers. We operate as a marketing partner to financial advisors. Our compensation comes from the marketing budgets of the advisors we work with. When advisors invest in our educational video campaigns, it helps them reach more potential clients while allowing us to continue educating the public.

The Impact

For every individual who books a consultation with one of our fiduciary retirement planning specialists, 2,500 others benefit from our free educational videos on social media. Over 90% of our educational efforts are free of charge to consumers. We operate as an educational company funded by marketing investments from retirement planning specialists—not consumers.

Why We Are The Best

What We Do

  1. Educational Video Scripts: We provide fiduciary financial advisors with proven video scripts that generate booked appointments at a reasonable cost.

  2. Proprietary Audiences: We license our proprietary audiences of high-net-worth pre-retirees and retirees to our fiduciary financial advisors.

  3. Full-Service Support: We handle video scripting, video editing, ad management, and campaign optimization. Advisors simply record the videos, and we take care of the rest.

The Results

  • Advisors gain more clients.
  • Millions of Americans become better educated about retirement.
  • Thousands receive 1-on-1 consultations.
  • Hundreds are directly impacted by working with fiduciary financial advisors.

Together, we’re making a positive impact on America.


7 Reasons Advisors Love Us

  1. Lower cost per client acquisition

  2. We are specialists (not generalists)

  3. We have proven marketing campaigns targeting HNW pre-retirees and retirees

  4. We save advisors time by providing self-booked self-qualified appointments (NOT LEADS – so advisors stop wasting time chasing non-fit prospects, and spend more time helping interested potential clients better plan for retirement)

  5. For Large Hybrid RIAs – We provide branded, exclusive, and self booked HNW appointments (Apply here)

  6. For independent advisors and smaller firms – We provide exclusive self-booked HNW appointments + virtual sales coaching through one of our partners (See Partner Offer)

  7. Many advisors are able to see tangible ROI of 7-10X which is superior to seminars, webinars, buying leads, etc.

Why Blackbox Works & Others Fail

Unique 4D hyper-Targeting Strategy

We ensure that our educational videos are seen by the right people using our 4-Dimensional Audiences.

1. META native audiences

We target audiences that are available within the META Platform. We target people who are looking for retirement planning services.

2. Past Appointments Lookalike Audiences

We use our database of 10,000+ HNW Appointments to target people similar to them who are likely to book a meeting with a retirement planner. More appointments = larger pool!

3. Lookalikes of HNW Databases

We buy databases of HNW 55+ year olds and create look-a-like audiences based off them.

4. Google Search Retargeting Audiences

We re-target people who google search for "retirement planning" on META. Which gives us Google quality meetings for META prices.

three steps to Helping More Retirees

what it's like working with blackbox, as an advisor

You may be a few steps away from doubling or tripling your business’s revenue faster than you thought possible…


Fiduciary Advisor application & vetting

With great power comes great responsibility. That’s why we only work with fiduciary advisors.



If you’re the owner of a large hybrid RIA, we help you create your own custom branded videos.

If you’re a firm or independent advisor, we bring you appointments using one of our proven clients’ campaigns for maximum efficiency.


optimization & scale

We meet every other week with our direct clients to gauge the performance of the campaign, the ROI, and the qual/quant data. Based on performance, we are able to make recommendations to increase adspend and connect more advisors within the firm with HNW pre-retiree and retirees.

Growth Starts With A Conversation

Book a complimentary breakthrough marketing strategy session now.