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3-Step Facebook Ads Strategy for Financial Advisors in 2024

Title: “Revolutionize Your Client Acquisition: A Three-Part System for Financial Advisors”

Are you tired of conventional methods that drain your resources without delivering the results you desire? Say goodbye to the old ways and embrace a three-part system that leverages the power of video, Facebook ads, and a dynamic 10-minute PowerPoint presentation. Welcome to a new era of client acquisition efficiency.

### 1. Hyper-Targeted Video Facebook Ads

Our system kicks off with hyper-targeted video Facebook ads, strategically designed to reach the 55-plus age group actively seeking financial advisors and retirement planning solutions. These ads aren’t just generic; they are personalized 90-second clips featuring you as the expert. We’ve tested a multitude of ad variations and curated the best-performing 10 just for you.

**Why It Works:** By speaking directly to your audience, you establish a personal connection and build credibility right from the start.

### 2. Professional Video Production Assistance

Recording these videos is a breeze with our professional video production assistance. No need to invest thousands in hiring an in-person videographer. We connect you with our skilled videographer via Zoom, ensuring you get the perfect shot, optimal lighting, and professional-grade videos without breaking the bank.

**Why It Works:** Remote video recording not only saves you money but also accelerates the process, getting your message out to potential clients faster.

### 3. The Power of a 10-Minute PowerPoint

Once the initial connection is made through the ads, we introduce prospects to a concise yet impactful 10-minute PowerPoint presentation. This isn’t just any presentation; it’s a carefully crafted script that highlights your expertise and addresses key concerns in a brief yet comprehensive manner.

**Why It Works:** Short and powerful presentations keep prospects engaged, providing them with valuable information while qualifying them for your services.

### A Seamless System Through Canopy

But it doesn’t end there. Our system seamlessly integrates with Canopy, ensuring a smooth flow from ad engagement to lead qualification. Canopy serves as the backbone, tracking the progress of each lead, managing appointments, and streamlining the process.

**Why It Works:** Canopy simplifies the lead management process, allowing you to focus on what you do best – engaging with qualified prospects.

### Elevate Your Client Acquisition Game

Ready to revolutionize your approach to client acquisition? Embrace our three-part system that simplifies, accelerates, and amplifies your efforts. Get in touch with us at [] to explore how this system can take your financial advisory business to new heights. Don’t settle for outdated methods; choose efficiency, choose impact, and let’s elevate your client acquisition game together.


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