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Financial Advisor Digital Marketing: How to Turn $10k into $80k Every… Month!… Week… Day?

In the dynamic world of financial advisory, the game-changer isn’t just about spending on ads—it’s about strategic spending that yields tangible results. Currently, our advisors are experiencing an impressive return on investment, and here’s the breakdown.

Unveiling the Numbers

For every ten thousand dollars spent on advertising, our advisors secure a remarkable 40 booked appointments. From these appointments, four materialize into new clients on board. The average Fixed Indexed Annuity (FIA) premium stands at an impressive three hundred thousand dollars, accompanied by an additional three to five hundred thousand dollars in Assets Under Management (AUM) per client.

Crunching the Numbers

Let’s do the math. With four new clients each month, that’s a total of 1.2 million dollars in FIA premiums. Simultaneously, an additional 1.2 million dollars in AUM is brought in monthly. This translates into a substantial 2.4 million dollars in monthly revenue. Considering the average premium and AUM, the company enjoys an income boost of eighty thousand dollars or more per month, all from a modest ten thousand dollars spent on advertising.

Why Now is the Prime Time

The current landscape offers a unique advantage. Facebook advertising costs remain relatively low, presenting a golden opportunity for financial advisors. The reduced competition on the platform, fueled by economic uncertainties, ensures that our advisors can maximize their reach and impact with each ad dollar.

Inclusivity for Small Advisory Teams

In a show of commitment to growth and inclusivity, we are actively accepting and working with small advisory teams comprising two to 30 advisors. This means that regardless of the size of your team, there’s an opportunity to tap into the proven success of our strategic ad spending model.

Learn More with Client Stack Box and Alex Casa’s YouTube Channel

For those eager to delve deeper into the strategies and insights that power our success, check out Client Stack Box and explore the wealth of information available on my YouTube channel, Alex Casa. From marketing tactics to industry trends, these resources offer invaluable insights to help financial advisors thrive in today’s competitive landscape.

In conclusion, the time is ripe for financial advisors to seize the opportunity presented by strategic ad spending. With impressive results, low Facebook advertising costs, and an inclusive approach to small advisory teams, the potential for growth and success has never been more promising. Explore more with Client Stack Box and join me on my YouTube channel for a closer look at the strategies that are reshaping the financial advisory landscape.


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