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Post-Covid Marketing for Financial Advisors

In the tumultuous year of 2020, three savvy financial advisors approached me with a challenge—seminars, their go-to strategy, were no longer viable due to the pandemic. The need for a digital solution became more evident than ever.

Responding to this call, we collaborated to craft a straightforward yet potent digital marketing funnel. The recipe? A combination of video ads, concise 10-minute PowerPoints, and a cleverly designed calendar that served as the gateway to qualified appointments. The results? Nothing short of extraordinary.

Let me share the success stories of these trailblazing financial advisors:

1. Empowering the First Lady:
– Ad Spend: $8,000
– Return: $95,000 (within four short months)

2. Virtuoso of the Virtual Realm:
– Ad Spend: $13,000
– Return: $150,000 (in a span of six months)

3. Accelerating the Online Transition:
– Rapid Growth: From minimal online sales to achieving $100,000 a month in commissions within just two months of our collaboration.

These success stories underscore the potency of transitioning to a digital-first approach. The simplicity of the strategy, coupled with strategic ad spend and a focused calendar system, proved to be a winning formula.

The shift to digital isn’t just a contingency plan—it’s a pathway to unprecedented growth. The era of adaptability is here, and these financial advisors seized the opportunity to not just survive but thrive in the digital landscape.

If you’re a financial advisor seeking a digital transformation or looking to amplify your online presence, there’s a lesson to be learned from these success stories. Embrace the change, leverage digital tools, and watch your practice soar to new heights.

Ready to script your own success story? Let’s embark on the journey together—where traditional meets digital, and prosperity unfolds.


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