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Uncover the True ROI: Tracking the Right Numbers in Your Marketing Strategy

Tracking the right numbers means when you work with the marketing agency, or with somebody, you have to track your numbers. You have to know how much you should spend, how many clicks did you get, and how many appointments did you get? How many of them showed up? How many became clients? What’s your actual revenue from that? And then, what’s your return on investment on all of this. And how much time did it take you personally to do all this that you have to go on every week and present to webinar?

That’s effort, That’s work. That’s your time. Your time is valuable, that you must go and build a seminar campaign, or go to a workshop or a dinner seminar, that you must go and travel and do that. That still work. What time, what resources that you must allocate to this campaign in terms of time your own time, in terms of your team’s time, in terms of energy, in terms of money and what’s the return on investment in all in all.


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