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Team Success: Building Retaining and Holding People Accountable

So, how can you build a team and retain the right kind of talent in your company? And most importantly, how do you hold people accountable in a way that is not threatening, the way that is transparent and the way that people like? You want to have two kinds of KPI, your key performance indicators. One mistake that most new leaders make, and I used to make this mistake as well, is that you don’t set a quantifiable number for each person. The second mistake is that you might even set it and you might not make it clear to your people. The problem is that you don’t track that number and you don’t repeatedly hold them accountable to it.

So, I want you to think about yourself, how many people you have working for you, and what kind of targets, what kind of numbers, you have given them. Do they know the actual expectations you have of them and how often you go and review those metrics with them.


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